Why do people judge other people? Like I am just wondering if there is a book somewhere that says exactly how a person should be and how they shouldn't? Cause if not what are people basing these judgements off of? I'm not trying to say there is no right or wrong, cause I definitely believe in right and wrong, but I meant judgements more as in, who someone is, how they should act, how they should look...all that fun stuff. Maybe that is the main reason we have so many problems, we all have this thing in us that wants to form this idea of perfection, or what is the best way to be, and when people fall outside of that vision...BAM!! JUDGEMENT!!
I think it's hard for us as humans not to judge, and if I said I didn't do that it would make me a liar as well. I just try my hardest not to allow myself to judge others, because who am I? I'm nobody special just another human being amongst the rest. People have a right to be who they were born to be, and not me or anyone else on this earth should really have the right to try and diminish them for that. I'm not trying to preach at anyone, or spread anymore hate. I am just explaining some thoughts I've been having.
My motto: Try to approach people and situations with an attitude and a mindset of understanding. It doesn't mean you have to agree or even really understand, but attempting too, will really help the way you view others and the world around you. Who knows, you might even learn something.
For now, This is my Manifesto
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